Customer Service for Small Businesses

Law firm customer service best practices (2022)

Implement the following law firm customer service best practices to stand out from your competition and improve your client intake.

To achieve optimal client satisfaction, your boutique law firm needs to put your clients at the center of everything you do. Clients today are more impatient, tech-savvy and more inclined to go with firms that provide the most convenience with tools that are engaging. 

For up to 42% of law firms, however, it can take an average of 3+ days just to respond to a potential client. To stand out from your competitors, you can use this to your advantage by adopting the right customer service technologies and best practices. By implementing the following customer service best practices for boutique law firms, you can stand out from your competitors, improve your client intake and boost your referrals. 

The value of law firm customer service

Many firms believe that client relationships end after finishing a case. However, clients want to be nurtured throughout the entire process, from intake and beyond. Taking the time to nail your customer service processes to wow every client from beginning to end will set your firm up for future success. 

By focusing on your client relationships and improving your customer service strategies, your firm will reap the following benefits: 

  • A positive reputation – Excellent customer service will set your firm apart and help you drive positive reviews and in turn, more prospects.
  • Increased client retention – First impressions can solidify your clients' feelings towards your law firm. When you let them speak, give them maximum attention, and remain compassionate, you'll earn their trust, and they'll continue to use your firm should they need your services in the future.
  • A great work environment – Happier clients lead to an overall healthier and happier work environment at your firm. Increased job satisfaction will keep you and your team working with high morale towards your firm's success and overall efficiency. 
  • Increased revenue – When more clients trust your services, they'll keep returning and will also recommend your firm to their friends and family. More loyal customers will translate to more revenue.

These benefits will lead to increased ROI, enhanced business longevity, and general business decency.

Customer service best practices for your firm 

According to "The Client-Centered Law Firm," a publication by Jack Newton, exceptional client service isn't only about wowing your clients constantly. Instead, it's more about anticipating their needs and meeting their expectations to create a frictionless experience. . 

By making your firm the better option that's easier to work with, you'll benefit through more loyal clients, increased referrals, improved efficiency, and the rest of that fulfilling chain of events.

Here are a few customer service best practices we’ve rounded up to help you and your firm succeed. 

Leverage Technology

From case management software to standard customer relationship management suites, there are many options available for law firms to leverage. Not to mention, many of these technologies are pretty expensive and difficult to learn. 

That’s why when you’re looking for a technology to engage customers and reduce your day-to-day admin work, you need software that’s both intuitive and inexpensive. 

A chatbot solution like Amy can help you automate your client intake process and allow you to collect leads while you sleep. As a completely free technology, you can easily onboard with Amy to get the chatbot up and running on your website in a matter of minutes. 

It can also help you answer FAQs your prospects might have when they visit your website by using pre-built templates specific to law practices. This will reduce the need for your clients to call into your firm and be left waiting on hold and playing phone tag with them just to answer a simple question. 

Using a chatbot can also help you book client appointments with a calendar integration like Calendly. With a calendar integration, your client can directly book appointments with attorneys from your team. This will help you cut out even more admin work for your office so you can focus on your clients and put your best foot forward for every case. 

Develop Client Empathy

When caught up in your daily workload, it might be easy to forget the stress and vulnerability your clients might be facing. Empathy is key to achieving a client-centered law firm and is also the initial step in delivering excellent customer service and improving their experience. 

That’s why before choosing software or technology to better your client experience, you should consider a tool that isn’t cold or pre-canned. With Amy, you can impress your clients at the first sight to foster unique, memorable, and empathetic experiences. Once you empower your clients to get what they need almost immediately, you’ll garner loyalty to increase your profitability and retention, so you can continue to manage your firm and all of the unpredictable moments that come with it. 

Be Responsive

According to a recent Legal Trends Report, about 64% of clients acknowledged that they have contacted a law firm and never received a response. The same report also states that 79% of those interviewed mentioned that they expect a response either by phone or email within 24 hours. 

The takeaway? Don’t let your firm fall into these statistics. From meal service deliveries, rideshare services, and more, your clients are apt to instant gratification and transparency. 

Unlike a human employee, a chatbot like Amy can provide 24/7 support to your customers, at a fraction of the price. Hiring a personal assistant or secretary can only take your law firm so far. Humans get tired, take vacation days, and need time to rest. Plus, they need to go home and can’t be there to service your clients around the clock.

A chatbot like Amy allows your clients to feel valued and heard throughout their entire interaction with your firm. The result? They’ll want to continue to use your services in the future or even refer your practice to a peer. 

Meet Amy, the best chatbot for boutique law firms

Managing your own law practice is more than just time-consuming. It requires you to juggle admin tasks, billing, client intake, caseload management and so much more. 

Handling too many admin tasks at once can actually reduce your productivity and hinder your firm’s growth.

While you may have numerous options to try out, if anything, try leveraging a chatbot built just for boutique law firms to help you stay on track and handle more client inquiries. Amy can help your firm respond to client inquiries with 24/7 availability, so you can help service your clients, even when you sleep. 

If you’re interested in giving Amy a try, sign up for Amy 1.0 today, completely free of cost.

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