Customer Service for Small Businesses

Introducing Amy - The free online business chat for small businesses

Amy is the only free online business chatbot for small businesses. Amy provides an SMB customer service solution with templates for every industry.


Hello everyone. My name is Stijn Hendrikse. Founder of Amy Software. I've been in software for most of my career and was the CEO of another customer service company, a contact center for Small Businesses, MightyCall.

Today, I'm here to talk with you about Amy. It's unbelievable that in 2022, there is no good solution for small businesses to provide customer service on their website to their customers. After doing a little bit of research, I found that out of the hundreds of chatbots and live business chat solutions out there, there is literally none, zero, that is actually focused on small businesses. There are no actual Chatbots for small businesses.

There are no solutions that make it easy for a small business owner with no coding experience to actually find a good chatbot that is doing what they need, that answers the questions for their customers, or makes it easy for them to put those questions in the chatbot, there is nothing. There are some eCommerce providers like Shopify that focus on small businesses, but it's all focused just on the eCommerce part. While there are some options for SMBs, those are mostly watered-down enterprise chat technologies that are available to put into WordPress or Wix or those platforms, but they're not made for small businesses. They are either very simple or they are for the channels that are not really the main channels that small businesses need.

The website is still for 40% of small businesses, the main storefront, the main digital store for their customers, which of course has only increased in the last couple of years with COVID. So with Amy, we thought, let's just build this. It's not that hard. We started the company in August. We launched the product in November. You can take a look, at, and it's already the only solution that small businesses have that actually is made for them to provide customer service through their website.

So that's what Amy is. A chatbot specially made for Small businesses. Amy helps you if you're the yoga instructor, the locksmith, the flower shop, the bakery, the winery, the brewery, the funeral home, to answer the 10, 15 questions that you get most of the time. For a brewery, it could be something like, "Hey, what is the food truck that's outside this weekend? Can I bring my kids?". And what you find if you interview small business owners is that the questions they answer over their email, text, or on the phone, are basically the same most of the time. There are eight, nine questions, maybe ten or eleven, that are constantly repeated.

The real solution for a small business is a combination of chatbot technology and content that services the needs of thousands of small business types. We found that there are a couple of types of questions, templates if you will, that you need to build, that really come down to maybe 10, 20 core components. We call those mini flows, or, Amy flows.

What's very powerful with Amy flows is that the templates and the content that you get from Amy to build your chatbot and configure it come from how our customers actually use these templates. We see what they change. We see what they add. We improve the templates all the time. You can actually build 177,000 different templates, which include common questions about opening hours? Who can I bring and how many can I bring? But also what are the questions for a CPA or how do I book a tour.

For small businesses, just like for many businesses these days, service is the new sales. Providing great customer services, how you grow a business, how you keep your customers, and how you sell more to them. And in that sense, having the ability to answer your customer's questions, and to be able to service them 24/7 in a digital way is really, really crucial.

So Amy is that. Amy is the free customer service chatbot made for every small business out there.

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