Chatbot Blog | Amy

Small businesses improve the customer experience with Amy

Written by Stijn Hendrikse | May 3, 2022 5:21:00 PM

In 2020, Salesforce conducted research into the state of the digitally connected customer. The upshot? Modern customers have high expectations for proactive service, personalized interactions, and connected experiences across digital channels.

 Fortunately, small business owners can call on a resource that can help them address all three issues.

 Her name is Amy. And while not a person, she’s a very personable chatbot designed specifically for small business.

 In short, Amy can answer all the common questions that a small business owner gets asked day after day by customers and prospects. By doing so, she provides an engaging customer experience while helping owners devote time to their craft or practice, doing what they do best and love—uninterrupted.

 Amy: the chatbot created specifically for small business

 Up until now, small businesses had to rely on chatbots geared for e-commerce or watered-down enterprise versions. Amy changes all that.

 For one, she offers templates and question/answer flows that answer most any question in most any small business category. For another, she’s ready on day one, available to work in a matter of minutes. Owners can see how personable and easy she is to work with during the set-up process.

 And then there’s the surprisingly low cost: up to 500 chats a month for free or unlimited chats for just $9 a month.

 Meeting customer expectations

 According to the Salesforce research, 66 percent of customers expect customers to understand their needs and expectations.

 Amy does just that.

 Because she provides the answers to the most common questions a small business gets, customers receive the information they seek quickly and in an engaging manner. Customer questions are anticipated, expectations are met.

 Even better, Amy meets the expectations of small business owners. She offers owners a drop-down menu from which to choose the template that best matches their business, from caterers to churches, locksmiths to law offices. Set up is easy, cost is minimal.

 Enhancing the customer experience

 According to Salesforce, customer experience is more important than ever. In fact, 80 percent of customers now consider the experience a company provides to be as important as its products and services.

 By personalizing her responses to a customer’s or prospect’s question, Amy elevates the website experience. No longer is the site just a place to go for information, it’s a place to engage with a resource ready and willing to help. Suddenly an owner’s website has personality, and people have another reason to visit.

 Bringing the digital experience to life

 Nearly 9 out of 10 respondents to the Salesforce survey expect companies to accelerate digital initiatives due to COVID-19. Again, Amy checks that box.

 Since COVID, small business owners have found it difficult to find, train and keep talented employees. Those they do find want to find their work rewarding, not spend their time answering the same questions over and over.

 With Amy, small business owners have the perfect employee. She’s reliable, tireless, and able to work 24/7. She easily conforms to a business’ website colors so she’s always on brand. And gives customers a digital resource that they can access from anywhere at any time with any device.

 To put Amy to work for you, visit