Chatbot Blog | Amy

Your customers have questions. Amy has the answers.

Written by Stijn Hendrikse | Apr 29, 2022 3:43:55 PM

As a small business owner, do you receive the same questions from customers or prospects over and over? Then receive the same questions again and again. Day after day, week after week.

 How do you answer them in a way that preserves a great customer experience yet doesn’t interrupt your workflow or add extra time to your day?

You could hire someone to deal with these repeated inquiries, but that costs money. You could assign someone on your team do it, but chances are they’d want to unload the task as quickly as you did.

You might even try to implement an automated solution on your website, but that requires an IT expertise that you may not have nor want to pay for.

Or you could hire Amy and solve the problem quickly, easily and with minimal cost. As in free.

Introducing Amy: the chatbot specifically designed for small business

Amy is a customer service solution—a chatbot—that answers all the common questions small business owners repeatedly get from their customers or prospects. Questions like how late are you open? Does your winery give tours? What’s the deadline for filing estimated taxes? Do you take reservations?

I short, nearly any question a customer or prospect might ask nearly any small business.

Amy: easy to set up

Amy has templates and automated question/answer flows for virtually every small business category. She’s already anticipated the common questions customers or prospects ask, as well as how small business owners can easily answer them.

There’s no sales process. Amy is self-service. You can find a drop-down menu with templates for companies from bakeries to florists to photographers. Then have Amy up and running on your website in a matter of minutes. What’s more, you can customize her look to match that of your site, so she’s always on brand.

You’ll get the same sense of Amy during set up as visitors to your site will get in their own interactions with her. Which is to say, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable the entire experience is.

Amy: always working

There’s no telling when your customers or prospects will need an answer to a question. Not to worry. Amy is always on, 24/7. She’s reliable, tireless, and a joy to interact with.

Visitors to your site will receive the information they seek promptly. And because Amy is a very personable assistant, they’ll feel engaged and delighted by the experience.

Amy: the price is right

As remarkable as Amy is to work with, she’s even more affordable. She’ll handle 500 chats a month for free. Or you could “hire” her to handle unlimited chats for only $9 a month. That’s only $108 a year for an invaluable service.

With Amy, you’ll be more productive, improve customer service, and save money. Which leaves only one question unanswered.

What are you waiting for? Try Amy for free today!